Selasa, 18 Januari 2011

Origin of Durian

            Once upon a time, in the castle, lived a king with a queen. The queen not love the king, because the king was very old and ugly. The king was very sad. He always make every endeavor to make the queen became love him. Finally, the king go to Ipu mountain to meet with a hermit.
            After he arrive at Ipu mountain, the king meet with the hermit , at there, the king tell to the hermit about the queen. After the hermit listen the king's sigh, the hermit can help the king. He order the king to take an egg, honey and flower from tipuan tree.
            After all of them assembi, the hermit mixed honey and flower from tipuan tree and take it on the eg. And then, the hermt order the king to invest an egg in backyard, if the fruit grow, the queen must eat it. After the quuen eat it, she became love the king. The king was very happy. Then, they arrange party to celebrate it. But, the king forget to invite the hermit, the hermit was very annoyed. Then, the hermit curse this fruit became thorn and have putrid scent.

this is origin of durian, although thorn and have putrid scent, but have delicious taste.

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